Moderation, redux.

I knew before I started writing this blog post last night that I had already written about moderation at least once, some time ago. I was thinking about it again because it only took a week for me to decide that writing about a word a day is too much.
You know those savings plans where you put away a penny on January 1, then 2¢ on January 2, etc., so that when on December 31 when you add $3.65 you’ve saved ONE MIIIIIIILLION DOLLARS? So it’s great cumulatively, but the whole point is that it’s just a tiny bit a day, so you don’t really notice it. Similarly, writing about a word a day is more like a daily reflection: interesting to think about, and maybe it’ll shape an interaction I have today, or impact how I see something today, but it just doesn’t have the teeth for long-term impact. The same way that ONE MIIIIIIILLION DOLLARS is really only $668: nice to have, but not going to buy me that new car.
So I’ll work toward my emotional/spiritual “new car” here, whatever that looks like, by setting an intention, but not a goal. There’s no end to my evolution, as long as I stay where things work.