It’s my life.
***If you wanna cut to the “good stuff,” skip down to the bullet point list.***
I started this post in my head many hours ago. I haven’t known what all of what I’ve listed in my head should actually make it onto the blog post. But really? About 4 people read it, so I don’t think I’m gonna end up in any worse a situation for sharing than I’m in for feeling how I do.
So here we go.
Some things about my life just are. I know that people looking in from outside have strong feelings about what my life has looked like, what I’ve experienced, what I’ve escaped. I have also been SO fortunate, and have had such great love around me, and have learned from situations I couldn’t have even dreamed into existence earlier in my life.
I made choices a few years ago. They were not these, but they meant these:
* There will be 1.5 squares of TP on the roll every time you go to the bathroom.
* even a closed door isn’t really closed.
* there will only be one sip or bite left of anything I intended to eat or drink. Every. Single. Time.
* dry cereal will show up in every kitchen crevice. Forever.
* the laundry will never be done.
* I will always have to make unpopular decisions.
* I will always – at least for two more years – have to make my life decisions based on the needs of a teenage boy.
* I will do the right thing and be accused of doing the wrong thing on a regular basis.
* my life will be exponentially more expensive forever and ever amen.
* and let’s not even talk about college expenses.
But you know what?
nothing in the world could stop me, even the me from 4 years ago, from taking this on. Because you know what else is a sure bet?
* a teen boy cackling with glee over some completely absurd YouTube video
* if I ever need to know anything about anything Nintendo related, I’ve got the wicked hookup.
* even if we disagree at first, my kid and I come to an understanding, and agree on a course of action. That’s some crazy progressive shit.
and the final point is that… This is all tongue in cheek, and none of it even begins to describe the hard parts of this sister-mom/brother-son relationship. But if this is all funny… Can you imagine what the serious shit looks like?
yeah, I have some big decisions to make. But you know what? I don’t have to make them alone. My kid and I are a team. He may not be the flesh of my flesh, but he is the heart of my heart. And we will find our home following those hearts.
I consider you a friend, even though our only connection is the internet. If we were closer geographically, I’m not saying we’d be best friends, but I like to think we’d get together for lunch or drinks and chat every now and again. I don’t know your history, and I’m not asking for it, I like the Internet friend. I enjoy your tales and triumphs, commiserate your woes and low points. Many of my experiences are similar, but certainly not the same. You are stronger than you think, especially when it really counts. So I’m sure whatever difficulties you face, you will come out on the other side even stronger!
Lauri, I feel the same; I’m so glad to “know” you, and have the opportunity to cheer your successes and let you know I feel you when life is just too damned hard. Thank you for being in my world!