Retail Therapy
Today and tonight don’t allow for much face time with my computer, so I’m just hitting the daily bullet points.
Today’s lead: Portland Monthly Magazine. I know they have actively solicited articles from people I know not to be writers, and offered to work closely with them to produce a great end result.
Today’s office prep step: I’m not going to go wild, but I am going to do some shopping tonight. I need some good pens, a couple of storage containers for various publications, and a new file box and tabbed folders. I saw this really fun use of magazine holders on Pinterest and am considering something like this in the recessed corner of my living room:
Source: via aglaia531 on Pinterest
Today’s brainstorm: I’m going to use the Evernote app on my phone to scan in resource pages from freelancing and writing books I own so they’re accessible across my devices and I don’t have to carry the physical books around if I work outside the home.